Having a site on the World Wide Web is one of the cheapest and perhaps most cost effective form of advertising today. Traditional print and broadcast advertising
simply annoys people while they're trying to watch or listen to a program or read a publication. On the Web, people are looking for your product or service,
you merely need to have something for them to find. While it is of course important to have a well designed web site, the most important decision is to
have one at all. Considering the low costs involved, how could you even consider allowing your competitors to get the jump on you?
Account Type |
Price |
Web Space |
Front Page Extensions (97/XP) |
E-mail Accts: |
Service Acct: |
Discounts for advanced payment are as follows: Quarterly -5%, Bi-Yearly -10% and Yearly -15%. Additional Dial-ups available.
Category Descriptions:
Domain Name: Your own name on the internet such as www.yourcompany.com.
WebSpace: The amount of hard drive space for your website (graphics, text, database, scripts, etc.).
FTP: File Transfer Protocol - A way to upload your web pages.
Front Page Extensions: Develop & maintain your web pages with Microsoft Frontpage 97, 98, 2000, or XP.
E-mail Accounts: The number of e-mail accounts each package comes with.
Service Account: A modem connection used to access your website.
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